Allergies are very common, and studies have shown that one in every six people are diagnosed with them. The worst thing about allergies is that they are chronic and affect the body’s immune system. To recover from such a chronic disease, nothing can be better than homoeopathic treatment.
Homoeopathy medicines act as an immuno-regulator or immuno-modulator (i.e. it helps to revive or regulate the immune system). Hence, it is considered one of the safest ways to treat allergies. In this blog, we are going to discuss some homeopathic remedies for allergies.
Before knowing the remedies, one must have a clear knowledge about allergies. Our body has an inbuilt immune system that functions to fight off any foreign substance (like viruses, germs, etc.). However, sometimes the harmless elements start behaving abnormally inside our bodies. That is when an allergic reaction happens. Having low immunity can also be the cause for the allergic reaction.
There are many reasons for an allergic reaction to happen. The elements or agents for which an allergic reaction occurs are called allergens. There are some common allergens like pollen, animal dander, drugs and some foodstuff. But the most common allergen nowadays is dust. Due to industrialisation, our environment is full of pollutants. The air around us is filled with various pollen, bacteria and viruses.
Let us now look into some common causes of allergies.
Allergies can happen in any part of your body, be it skin, eyes, or chest. There are various types of allergies, and every type has its own kind of symptoms.
Hay fever is a seasonal allergy. The primary allergen for hay fever is tree pollen or grass. But one can also have the symptoms of hay fever if animal hair or dust is inhaled.
The symptoms include:
As we already know, our immune system protects our body from all harmful elements. Despite this, sometimes the food we intake becomes the cause of allergies in our bodies. By consuming those food items, our body starts feeling sick and reacts to their presence. Some common food items that can cause allergic reactions are:
The common symptoms of food allergies are:
To treat such kinds of allergic reactions, one can regularly take homeopathic medicine for skin allergy. And for getting the best advice, you can surely book your appointment with Dr Shalini.
Dust allergies are the most common types of allergy. Dust mites act as the allergen here. The problem is chronic and requires lifelong treatment and care. The dust mites found in any damp place of your house, like any unused furniture or unused area, and under the mattress are enough to make you fall sick.
The common symptoms of dust allergy are:
Taking homeopathic medicine for allergy can be an ideal way to fight off your symptoms of dust allergy. With no side effects, homoeopathy medicine will surely help you improve your body’s immunity.
Some drugs when consumed react with your body. This type of reaction can be fatal and can cause serious health hazards. Medicines like antibiotics, steroids and any ointment can react with your body. Sometimes even regular allopathic medicines can cause drug allergies. The best way to deal with this is by taking homoeopathic guidance.
The common symptoms of drug allergy include:
This type of allergy can happen due to the bite of insects or from insects’ sting. Bees, moths, caterpillars are some insects that can cause allergic reactions to the body.
In case you notice allergic reactions post an insect bite, the symptoms that you would notice are:
Allergy treatment in homeopathy is easy as well as safe. You can find treatment for every allergic reaction in homoeopathy. If you are suffering from allergies, feel free to book your appointment at Dr Shalini Chugh’s Clinic, the best Homeopathy Doctor in Gurgaon.
The common medicines that are used for Skin allergy treatment in homeopathy are:
Apis Mellifica: If you suffer from food or insect allergies, then Apis Mellifica can be the best choice. But before you take it, make sure that you seek expert guidance from the doctor.
Sulphur: Skin rashes are very common when you have an allergy. If not treated early and adequately, it can cause extreme irritation. You may also feel a burning sensation in the area. For treating such conditions, sulphur is the best homoeopathic medicine for you.
Medorrhinum: Long hours of wearing diapers makes the skin dry and result in “diaper rashes.” It irritates the baby and also impacts their soft, delicate skin. Medorrhinum is one such homeopathy medicine that can cure the problem of diaper rashes. This is one of the best homeopathic medicine for this skin allergy in babies.
The Homeopathy remedies for other allergies like hay-fever have been listed below:
Sabadilla: When diagnosed with hay fever, you have a runny nose and continuous sneezing. You may also face sinus problems like severe frontal headaches. Sabadilla is one of the best homeopathic remedies for allergies like hay fever.
Allium cepa: Another great homoeopathic medicine for hay fever is Allium cepa. It does wonder for symptoms like runny nose and watery eyes, and extreme sneezing.
Dulcamara: This homoeopathic medicine is also great for hay fever-like symptoms. It is considered ideal for treating headaches or a closed nose.
Palsatilla: It is considered the best remedy to treat thick yellowish-green bland nasal discharge and frequent sneezing. This homoeopathic medicine is also beneficial for those who have itchy and swollen eyes.
Nux vomica: If you are suffering from hay-fever like symptoms, then Nux vomica is the best remedy for you.
Histaminum: This is the best among all homeopathic remedies for allergies as it cures all allergic symptoms.
There are numerous benefits of homeopathic remedies for allergies. Homoeopathy not only provides safe treatment for allergies but in some cases, it also provides a permanent cure. To get advice from the best Homeopathic Doctor in Gurgaon, connect with Dr Shalini Chugh.