Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India more than 3000 years ago. The term Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Ayur’ meaning life and ‘Veda’ meaning knowledge or science. Therefore, Ayurveda translates to the knowledge or science of life. Ayurveda is a system of alternative medicine that makes use of completely natural processes including herbal medicines, herbal oils, yoga, massage, meditation, special diets, and so on. There are many who believe that Ayurveda and homeopathy are similar but it is not true. There are several differences while comparing homeopathy vs. Ayurveda.
Homeopathy is a medical system that is based on the belief that the body is able to cure itself. It is also referred to as a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine. Homeopathy is a system of complementary medicine where different ailments are treated by administering tiny amounts of natural substances like minerals and plants. These are believed to stimulate the healing process in the body and help in triggering the natural defense mechanism of the body. Now the people comparing homeopathy vs. Ayurveda have a better idea about the two.
Now, let us understand the difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy on different terms.
Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words, ‘Homoois’ meaning similar and ‘Pathos’ meaning suffering. But the term Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words, ‘Ayur’ meaning life and ‘Veda’ meaning knowledge or science.
Homeopathy is a form of medicine that introduces similar symptoms of a particular disease or condition with the aim of automatically triggering the body’s immune system and evoking the body to fight against the same.
Ayurveda is a form of alternative medicine where different types of herbs, plants, and minerals are used for curing as well as eradicating the disease or condition. This is the difference between homeopathy and Ayurveda based on meaning.
Homeopathy came into existence with the hands of Samuel Christian Hahnemann in the 18th Century in Germany. But Ayurveda originated in India about 3500 years ago. So, while comparing homeopathy vs. Ayurveda, both have different times and places of origin.
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Homeopathy is based on the ideology that ‘like cures like’ which means that different natural substances like plants, minerals, etc. that cause symptoms in a healthy person can be used in very small amounts for treating a sick person with similar symptoms. There are various types of external as well as internal activities in our body that leads to an imbalance of vital force, thereby leading to diseases. On the other hand, Ayurveda believes that a person’s health is based on the proper balance among the three major elements are Vatta or wind, Pitta or bile, and Kapha or phlegm. Any imbalance of these can lead to diseases. This concludes the difference between homeopathy and Ayurvedic based on the principles or ideologies of each.
Another difference between homeopathy and Ayurveda is based on the diagnosis. Diagnosis in homeopathy is based on signs and symptoms but diagnosis in Ayurveda is based on pulse diagnosis.
Homeopathy gives emphasis on the curing of diseases where the body is exposed to disease-causing substances for the purpose of boosting the immunity against that specific disease. But Ayurveda targets to prevent the disease or condition.
While comparing Ayurveda vs. homeopathy, there is a difference between the medicines prepared. In homeopathy, medicines are prepared by diluting parts of plants, vegetables, minerals, etc. in distilled water or alcohol. But Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbs, vegetables, minerals, etc. Another point of difference between homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicines is that the homeopathic medicines are individualized where a specific medicine is for a specific person, disease, or condition. But the Ayurvedic medicines are not individualized. The same medicines can be administered to different persons suffering from a similar disease, or condition.
We now know the difference between Ayurveda and homeopathy on various terms but there are a few similarities between the two as well.
Now, we have done a comparison of Ayurveda vs. homeopathy. For many it leads to confusion regarding homeopathy or Ayurveda which is better. There is no specific answer to the same but both are used depending on the person, disease, or condition. Thus, homeopathy or Ayurveda which is better is left to the healthcare professional or expert to decide the appropriateness in a case.
German Physician, also known as the father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy.
Yes, they complement each other.
Homeopathic medicines are strictly against allopathic medicines.
Ayurveda has very little or zero side effects.
There is nothing specific as to whether Ayurveda is better or homeopathy. Both are alternative forms of medicines and their suitability depends upon the specific disease or condition.
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